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Accessory Boards

Some manufacturers of development systems have created a standard interface for adding accessory boards and peripheral modules to their systems.

The following categories contain the add-on boards and modules that connect via such standardized interfaces:

 [BiPOM Boards] [iMod Boards] [mikroElektronika Boards] [UEXT Boards]

New Products For March
Energy Micro EFM32G880F128 (ARM Cortex-M3) Board, LCD, RS2Energy Micro EFM32G880F128 (ARM Cortex-M3) Board, LCD, RS2US$20.00

3-Axis Gyro and 3-Axis Accelerometer Module, MPU-6050, I2C, UEXT3-Axis Gyro and 3-Axis Accelerometer Module, MPU-6050, I2C, UEXTUS$11.00

RS485 Master 0.7" iMod, 3.3V, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw TerminalRS485 Master 0.7" iMod, 3.3V, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw TerminalUS$5.60

RS232 Interface 0.7" iMod Module, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw TerminalRS232 Interface 0.7" iMod Module, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw TerminalUS$5.00

2 Relays 0.7" iMod Module, 5V/1A, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw Terminal2 Relays 0.7" iMod Module, 5V/1A, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw TerminalUS$3.00

1 Relay 0.7" iMod Module, 12V/7A, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw Terminal1 Relay 0.7" iMod Module, 12V/7A, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw TerminalUS$5.00

Light and Proximity Sensor Add-on Module, UEXT, I2C, 3.3VLight and Proximity Sensor Add-on Module, UEXT, I2C, 3.3VUS$5.52

3-Axis Digital Gyroscope Module, L3GD20, I2C via UEXT, SPI Pins3-Axis Digital Gyroscope Module, L3GD20, I2C via UEXT, SPI PinsUS$5.00

RGB LED Strip Controller, PIC16F1503, I2C/DMX, UEXT Host/DeviceRGB LED Strip Controller, PIC16F1503, I2C/DMX, UEXT Host/DeviceUS$5.00

MAX31855 K-Type Thermocouple-to-Digital Module w/ MCU, I/O, UEXTMAX31855 K-Type Thermocouple-to-Digital Module w/ MCU, I/O, UEXTUS$5.00

RS485 Module with 3kV Isolation, ISO35T, Full-Duplex, UEXTRS485 Module with 3kV Isolation, ISO35T, Full-Duplex, UEXTUS$10.00

Prototyping Board 1.6" iMod Module, 8x 3.5mm Screw TerminalsPrototyping Board 1.6" iMod Module, 8x 3.5mm Screw TerminalsUS$3.00

Prototype Board Shield for mikromedia (mikromedia PROTO Shield)Prototype Board Shield for mikromedia (mikromedia PROTO Shield)US$3.00

SD/MMC Slot Add-on Module, UEXT ConnectorSD/MMC Slot Add-on Module, UEXT ConnectorUS$4.08

3-Axis Magnetometer Add-on Module, MAG3110, UEXT Connector3-Axis Magnetometer Add-on Module, MAG3110, UEXT ConnectorUS$3.00

MRF24J40 RF/ZigBee Transceiver Module with PIC18F26K20, UEXTMRF24J40 RF/ZigBee Transceiver Module with PIC18F26K20, UEXTUS$5.00

Wireless PIR Motion Detector Alarm Add-on Module, ZigBee/MiWiWireless PIR Motion Detector Alarm Add-on Module, ZigBee/MiWiUS$14.50

Screw Terminal & Prototype Board for mikromedia (Connect Shield)Screw Terminal & Prototype Board for mikromedia (Connect Shield)US$4.50

BGB203 Bluetooth Transceiver Add-on Module, UEXTBGB203 Bluetooth Transceiver Add-on Module, UEXTUS$7.60

RS485 Converter Module, ADM3483ARZ, Half-Duplex, UEXTRS485 Converter Module, ADM3483ARZ, Half-Duplex, UEXTUS$3.75

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pcDuino2/3 Voltage Trans
pcDuino2/3 Voltage Trans
01. RF 2.4GHz Transceiver Module with NRF24L01, 125 RF Channels
02. RS232-to-TTL Interface 0.7" iMod Module, RJ45 Connector
03. RS232 Interface 0.7" iMod Module, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw Terminal
04. RS485 Master 0.7" iMod, 3.3V, 3.5mm Pluggable Screw Terminal
05. Prototyping Board 1.6" iMod Module, 8x 3.5mm Screw Terminals
06. RGB LED Strip Controller, PIC16F1503, I2C/DMX, UEXT Host/Device
07. RS485 Module with 3kV Isolation, ISO35T, Full-Duplex, UEXT
08. SD/MMC Slot Add-on Module, UEXT Connector
09. Light and Proximity Sensor Add-on Module, UEXT, I2C, 3.3V
10. Nokia 6610 TFT LCD Add-on Module
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Awesome, just awesome! I can't even begin to tell you how mu ..
5 of 5 Stars!
  Sunday 02 March, 2025   List of all our Products

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