E-Blocks are small circuit boards that contain a block of electronics that you would typically find in an electronic system. Each E-block has one or more 9-way D-type connectors that provide up to eight input/output lines and a ground line. Power is routed separately to those E-blocks that need it. These D-type connectors allow to rapidly connect E-blocks together to form a variety of systems that can be used for teaching and learning electronics, and for the instant prototyping of complex electronic systems. All E-blocks have standardized mounting holes and dimensions, so they can be mounted on an optional backplane. Upstream E-blocks use Microchip PIC, ARM, or Atmel AVR microcontrollers, Altera FPGAs, or adapt to Arduino, Raspberry Pi or PC. These processing E-blocks control the whole E-blocks system. They provide up to eight input/output ports with up to eight lines per port. The Upstream sub-category contains these E-blocks either individually or in starter kits. Downstream E-blocks perform a separate function as either an input sub-system (keyboard, pushbuttons, sensor interface), an output sub-system (LCD, LED), or an input/output sub-system (RS232, SPI, InfraRed). The Accessories sub-category contains items that are used by certain E-blocks but which are not complete E-blocks themselves, e.g. sensor modules, cables, adapters, analyzers, etc. |