This is an economical bundle of items to get you started using a 0.96-inch OLED display from 4D Systems on your Arduino. It includes the display itself (which comes with a header strip and 5-way jumper cable) and an Arduino adapter shield. All you'll need to provide is your own Arduino system. The shield is compatible with most Arduino boards and clones, including Uno, Mega, Due, Galileo, etc. The items in the picture are not to scale with one another. The shield width is 53.3mm like an Arduino. The display width, including mounting tabs, is 32.7mm. Arduino Display Module Pack Contents - uOLED-96-G2 programmable display with 96×64-pixel resolution and 65K colors
- Adaptor-Shield-II Arduino adapter with pass-through headers and configuration jumpers
Arduino Display Module Pack Overview With this Arduino Display Module Pack, you'll be able to start using the display in seconds. Just plug the adapter shield into your Arduino, then use the supplied cable to connect the display to the shield. The uOLED-96-G2 display has a comprehensive range of serial commands ready to be received from your Arduino, which can instruct it to draw primitives (e.g. lines, rectangles, circles, text), display images, and log data to a microSD card. It utilizes your Arduino's UART serial port, plus a single digital pin for reset of the display. Power for the display can come either through your Arduino or from an external source. Follow the link above to the Adaptor-Shield-II page for details about pin and power configuration. Programmable Display As well as using the display module as a serial slave to your Arduino, it is possible to reprogram it to be completely or partially autonomous, programmed in a C-like language (4DGL) using the 4D Workshop4 IDE. That IDE also has a graphics-based environment, ViSi, which can assist in 4DGL code generation. The included header strip can be used for making a connection to a breadboard to assist in programming or as an interface to external electronics when the display is operating autonomously. Follow the link above to the uOLED-96-G2 page for more information There's a couple of USB-to-Serial adapters available in the Optional Recommended Products list below. Using one of those is recommended if you ever want to program the display for autonomous function or to update the firmware. Either adapter also can act as an alternative power source for the display (when connected to the shield's H2 header) in case your Arduino is unable to provide enough (e.g. it's already using too much current, or it's a 3.3V Arduino in which case the display will need a 5V source). Arduino Library Available See the 4D Workshop4 IDE page to download the software as well as documentation and serial libraries. Some of the documentation, and the links to serial libraries, have versions for three different graphics chips; the GOLDELOX versions apply to the display in this kit. Also note that while the ViSi environment is supported by the GOLDELOX chip, the ViSi-Genie environment is not. Download list of Arduino Serial Library commands for GOLDELOX
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