OLIMEXINO-85S is the smallest Arduino-compatible board, measuring only 0.665 × 0.500 inches (16.9 × 12.7 mm). It can be powered either through a micro-USB cable or by a LiPo Battery that you can attached to its JST connector. (Note that this board does not have a battery-charging circuit, so you will need an external LiPo charger — or use the adapter listed below to power the board with a wall-mount supply.) This small ready-to-use Arduino board has a surface-mount ATtiny85-SU microcontroller comes pre-programmed with the Micronucleus bootloader that can work with Digispark's Arduino distribution (this board does not work with the standard Arduino IDE). It uses V-USB AVR emulation of USB with bit-banging, so although the ATtiny85 MCU has no USB port, the OLIMEXINO-85S actually does work as a USB 1.1 device. Eight pins broken out to through-hole pads on the board. Looking at the top of the board with the micro-USB connector facing up so that the Olimexino-85S silkscreen is oriented correctly, the pins are as follows: Pin | Name | Signals | | Pin | Name | Signals | 1 | #RST | PB5/PCINT5/#RESET/ADC0/DW | 8 | VCC | VCC | 2 | #3 | PB3/PCINT3/XTAL1/CLKI/#OC1B/ADC3 | 7 | #2 | PB2/SCK/USCK/SCL/ADC1/T0/INT0/PCINT2 | 3 | #4 | PB4/PCINT4/XTAL2/CLKO/OC1B/ADC2 | 6 | #1 | PB1/MISO/DO/AIN1/OC0B/OC1A/PCINT1 | 4 | GND | GND | 5 | #0 | PB0/MOSI/DI/SDA/AIN0/OC0A/#OC1A/AREF/PCINT0 | ATtiny85 Arduino Board Features - ATtiny85-SU microcontroller with pre-loaded Micronucleus Tiny85 bootloader
- Tested and working out of the box with Digispark's Arduino distribution
- JST LiPo battery connector for standalone operation
- micro-USB connection
- Two LEDs — power and status
- Reset button
- 0.1" spaced through-hole expansion headers
- Open hardware — board schematics and layout available for Eagle
- Open software — thanks to the Digispark community effort
ATtiny85 Arduino Board Resources Programming the OLIMEXINO-85S To upload a program, you must first set Tools → Board to Digispark 8mhz - NO USB (Tiny Core) and Tools → Programmer to Digispark. OLIMEXINO-85 uses the VID/PID pair that Digistump donated to the community. Make sure you disconnect the board before clicking the Upload button, then wait for the program to compile before connecting the board. The bootloader implementation runs only for the first few seconds after power up, so if you connect and power up the board before programming, the bootloader won't be available and uploading will fail. Disconnect the board, click Upload again, then connect the board.
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