This is a multicore adapter board used by the Ronetix PEEDI series of debugger/programmers. This board is only for those who already have purchased a Multicore programming or debugging license. It will not work if you haven't already purchased either the SW-PGM-MULTICORE or the SW-MULTICORE license for your PEEDI unit (which also must have an ARM programming or debugging license). As your Multicore license purchase already came with a multicore adapter board, you only need to order the board separately from this page if you want a backup board or if you have one of the other multicore adapter boards but have just added an ARM license to your PEEDI and want to use your Multicore license to program ARM devices as well. In order words, if you have a PEEDI with Blackfin, MPC8300, MPC8500, or QorIQ license and purchased the Multicore license with the appropriate 4xBFIN14 or 4xCOP16 multicore adapter, but now have upgraded your PEEDI to add the ARM license, you can purchase just this board to perform multicore programming of ARM devices. (You don't need a second Multicore license.) Download ADAPTER_4xARM20 Schematic