MAX7219 serial I/O common-cathode display driver with Serial Peripheral Interface On-chip BCD code-B decoder Analog and digital brightness control 8x8 R Click is an add-on board in mikroBUS form factor. It's a compact and easy solution for adding an 8×8 red LED display matrix to your design. It features a MAX7219 8-digit LED display driver module as well as 64 red LEDs. 8x8 R Click communicates with the target board's microcontroller via four mikroBUS SPI lines (DIN, DOUT, CLK and CS). The board is designed to use 5V power supply only, but it can be used with 3.3V MCUs as well. mikroBUS Click Boards Overview Click boards come with header pins that you must solder yourself. After that, they just plug directly into a mikroBUS socket. mikroBUS is a specially designed plug-and-play pinout standard. The sockets are found on Clicker boards, these mikromedia shields, and development systems from mikroElektronika (V7 systems and later). You also can connect Click boards to many other popular platforms via these adapters: - PC — Click USB Adapter (MIKROE-1433)
- Arduino — Arduino UNO click shield (MIKROE-1581)
- Raspberry Pi — Pi click shield (MIKROE-1512)
- BeagleBone Black — BeagleBone click shield (MIKROE-1596)
- STM32F3 Discovery — STM32F3 Discovery Shield (MIKROE-1447)
- STM32F4 Discovery — STM32F4 Discovery Shield (MIKROE-1481)
- Stellaris LM4F120 LaunchPad / Tiva TM4C123G LaunchPad — Click BOOSTER PACK (MIKROE-1363)
In addition, it is royalty-free to add mikroBUS to your own designs. Visit the mikroBUS Category to see the full line of Click boards. 8x8 Red LED Matrix Add-on Board Resources 8×8 LED Click Boards also are available with green, yellow and blue LEDs.