The SerialFlash Board features an M25P80 8Mbit, low-voltage Serial Flash Memory with 75 MHz SPI bus interface. Serial-interface memory can be used in numerous electronic devices and applications. Initially, it is used to store preference data and configuration/setup data. Serial memory modules are the most flexible non-volatile memory modules utilized today. Compared to other NVM solutions, the M25P80 memory module offers a lower pin count, smaller package, lower voltage, as well as lower power consumption. The board has a female IDC10 connector to plug it into a development system. It communicates with the host system via SPI. The DIP switch allows you to set which pins are used for MISO/MOSI/SCK, and the silkscreen explains the settings required for specific mikroElektronika development systems that have a matching IDC10 header. A jumper setting allows you to set this board to work with 3.3V or 5V systems. Use in your own design While this board was created originally for mikroElektronika's development systems, it's certainly possible to use in your own project. To do so, you may want to pick up IDC10 box headers that you can solder onto your PCB, or an EasyTEST board and jumper wires to wire it up however you need to. Serial Flash Add-on Module Features - M25P80 with 8Mbit of memory and 75 MHz SPI bus interface
- DIP switches for selection of communication lines
- Industry-standard SPI communication interface with fast data rates
- Jumper for selection of 3.3V or 5V operation
- Power indicator LED
- Ready-to-use examples save development time
- Supported in all mikroElektronika compilers
Serial Flash Add-on Board User Manual Serial Flash Add-on Board Software Examples for PIC and dsPIC with source code for mikroC, mikroBASIC and mikroPascal