The FLEX Base Board is designed to export all the connections of a standard Microchip dsPIC Digital Signal Controller. The board connections use the standard 2.54mm pitch which makes it easy to use custom, home-made daughterboards. It has robust electronic design, modular architecture and full support of Erika Enterprise real-time kernel from Evidence Srl. The board has two options for using on-board dsPIC Digital Signal Controllers: a dsPIC DSC soldered on the board surface, and a socket for installing the controller using interchangeable Plug-In Modules (PIMs) available from Microchip. The latter option allows you to disregard any limitation on the number of programming cycles available during the implementation/test/debugging phases; a new PIM can be installed in the socket if there's any problem with the older one. The Full FLEX Base Board integrates an extra-robust power supply circuitry, which allows the usage of a wide range of power supplies. It accepts voltage ranging between 9 and 36 volts. The power supply signal is filtered and regulated to the internal levels. The board is protected by a resettable fuse, helping to achieve a long life for the board even when employed by non-highly-skilled users (e.g., in school laboratories for student experiments). The board also features an USB port that can be used for data transfer. Main Components - Microchip dsPIC33FJ256MC710 DSC microcontroller
- Socket for 100-pin Plug-In Module (PIM) available from Microchip
- ICD2 programmer connector
- USB connector
- Power supply connectors
- LEDs for monitoring status of board functions
- On-board Microchip PIC18 microcontroller for integrated programming (future, at present this feature is not yet supported - you will need an PIC ICSP programmer or ICD debugger connected to the board's ICD2 connector to program the dsPIC)
- Connectors for Daughterboard piggybacking
Optional Daughterboards FLEX is designed as a modular development system. You can add the peripheral functions you need by connecting the FLEX Multibus Daughterboard and adding any or all of the following modules: Alternatively, you can create your own custom circuit on the FLEX Thru Hole Prototyping Daughterboard. One of those boards is included. By combining the dsPIC Board described on this order page with the optional FLEX Daughterboard: 2x16 LCD, DAC, Temp & Light Sensors, UART, IR RX/TX, you can create a powerful and flexible dsPIC training solution. FLEX System Documentation FLEX System Downloads
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