This MSP430 evaluation board allows you to experiment with the Infrared features of the MSP430F169 microcontroller based on Texas Instruments' Application Note SLAA202. MSP430F169 IrDA Evaluation Board Features - MSP430F169 Flash processor
- Dual alkaline power supply
- JTAG header
- 2 User LEDs
- 2 User switches
- Available port pins exposed at IDC headers
- Microphone input to ADC with 2nd order filter
- Mono or stereo output to audio jack
- RS232 port using TI MAX3221 interface with auto-powerdown
- Space for optional reset button
- Prototyping areas
- VeREF +/- jumper options
- 32.768 kHz crystal; optional series capacitance layout
- Ceramic resonator footprint for optional XT2
MSP430F169 Overview - 16-bit RISC architecture
- 125 ns Instruction Cycle
- 48 I/O pins
- 60 kBytes Flash
- 2 kBytes RAM
- 3-channel Internal DMA
- 12-bit A/D Converter with Internal Reference, Sample-and-Hold, and Autoscan
- Dual 12-bit D/A Converters with Synchronization
- 16-bit Timer_A with 3 Capture/Compare Registers
- 16-bit Timer_B with 7 Capture/Compare-With-Shadow Registers
- On-chip Comparator
- USART0 Functions as Asynchronous UART, Synchronous SPI, or I2C
- USART1 Functions as Asynchronous UART or Synchronous SPI
- Brown-out Detection
- Supply Voltage Supervisor/Monitor with Programmable Level Detection
- Programmable Code Protection by Security Fuse
MSP430F169 Evaluation Board Resources Available Programmers/Debuggers The MSP430 series has a standard connector for JTAG functions, so there are several other options available to you for programming the MCU on this board. See our Debuggers/Programmers category for a complete list. Ships from: USA Leadtime: 1 week