DALI Click is a compact board that provides Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) to your design. The board features two optocouplers, a push button and screw terminals. DALI Click communicates with a target board via four mikroBUS lines (RST, CS, PWM and INT). Input signal can be on the interrupt pin (INT) or the input capture pin (PWM), selectable by an SMD jumper (soldered in INT position by default). The PWM line on this board's silkscreen is labeled as ICP, for Input Capture Pin. DALI is an international standard for network-based systems that controls lighting in buildings. Data between the MCU and devices is transferred over two-wire differential bus by means of asynchronous, half-duplex, serial protocol. It is possible to address up to 64 devices in DALI stand-alone systems and more than 64 devices as DALI subsystem (gateways). This board is designed to use 3.3V or 5V power supply, selectable by an SMD jumper (soldered in 3.3V position by default). An green LED indicates the presence of power supply. A yellow LED indicates RX activity. Note: The picture shows the board with through-hole headers. The board now comes populated with male pin headers already soldered for your convenience. The board's user manual has yet to be updated to remove the soldering instructions. mikroBUS Click Boards Overview Click boards plug directly into a mikroBUS socket. mikroBUS is a specially designed plug-and-play pinout standard. The sockets are found on Clicker boards, the Flip & Click Arduino/Python-compatible board, the Quail board, these mikromedia shields, the Microchip Curiosity board, and development systems from mikroElektronika (V7 systems and later). You also can connect Click boards to many other popular platforms via these adapters: - PC — Click USB Adapter (MIKROE-1433)
- Arduino — Arduino UNO click shield (MIKROE-1581) or Arduino Mega click shield (MIKROE-1900)
- Raspberry Pi — Pi click shield (MIKROE-1512) or Pi 2 click shield (MIKROE-1879)
- BeagleBone Black — BeagleBone click shield (MIKROE-1596) or mikroBUS Cape (MIKROE-1857)
- STM32F3 Discovery — STM32F3 Discovery Shield (MIKROE-1447)
- STM32F4 Discovery — STM32F4 Discovery Shield (MIKROE-1481)
- Stellaris LM4F120 LaunchPad / Tiva TM4C123G LaunchPad — Click BOOSTER PACK (MIKROE-1363)
- Freescale Freedom — FRDM-KL46Z click shield (MIKROE-1795) or FRDM-K64F click shield (MIKROE-1794)
In addition, it is royalty-free to add mikroBUS to your own designs. Visit the mikroBUS Category to see the full line of Click boards. DALI Add-on Board Resources