The Tiny-ICD2 has all the functionality of the MPLAB-ICD2 from Microchip. This compact, low-cost development tool provides real-time emulation for all PICs with built-in ICD feature. An ICSP ribbon cable is included. Note: The PIC-ICD2-TINY has Vpp set firm to +13V DC. PIC18F2XX0/2X21/2XX5/4XX0/4X21/4XX5 programming specifications don't allow more than +12.5V DC on Vpp (this is why they are not supported by PICSTART+, which also has fixed Vpp voltage). Thus, the PIC-ICD2-TINY may damage these devices if connected directly. A simple solution is to use a diode drop circuit. Power supply to the PIC-ICD2-TINY should be in the range of 16-18V DC. The ICD2-Tiny's power plug is center positive. Your PC's COM port settings should have hardware flow control and FIFO buffers disabled. (These are not the default settings, so you may need to change them before using the PIC-ICD2-TINY.) For a complete list of supported PIC microcontroller devices, see the MPLAB release notes. To view the release notes and to download MPLAB software, go to Microchip's MPLAB v8 Forum and find the sticky post about the latest v8.xx release. Note: Microchip discontinued support for ICD2 debuggers in MPLAB X. To use this debugger, make sure you download MPLAB IDE v8.xx.
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