The RLC Divider board was developed so you can implement passive filters and various R, L and C networks easily. This is accomplished by placing the necessary components on the board and then "programming" the board through the proper placement of jumper shunts. Six shunts are included in the package as well as a 49.9Ω resistor, a 15KΩ resistor, and a 0.1mF capacitor for your convenience. Between the sockets are solder pads in case you want to install SMD components instead. Although the schematic component labels indicate R, C or L, other components such as diodes can be used. Voltage Divider Board Resources Connect multiple Schmartboards together! Every Schmartboard has small notches along its sides which allow you to connect any number of them together in any combination. Purchase a set of the Mechanical Bridge Interconnects available in the options below if you want to be able to combine your Schmartboards.
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