Ronetix Flash Programmers & Ronetix PEEDI Debuggers come with an UPDATE_DDMMMYYYY license that allows you to update the firmware until the signed DDMMMYYYY date. You can extend that cutoff date by purchasing this additional year of firmware maintenance. To give you a new license, we need to know your existing PEEDI serial number, which is printed on a sticker on the bottom of your PEEDI unit. The PEEDI serial number should look like this: SN: PD-1234-5678-90AB. After we receive it, we will send you a new license string. You then simply insert that new string in a new line in the [LICENSE] section of your target configuration file and reboot your programmer/debugger. After you place your order, please provide your current license information by using the Comment box that will be available after completing checkout. Ordering multiple years, or licenses for more than one unit If you select a quantity of 2 and provide one existing license, it will be assumed that you are purchasing two years of firmware maintenance. Similarly, if you select a quantity of 2 and provide two existing licenses, it will be assumed that you are ordering one year for each existing unit. For larger quantities where confusion may occur, please explain exactly how you want the licenses distributed among your existing hardware.