16x2 LCD shown on picture is not included. Are you planning to build your robot? Have a look at this product. It's a simple robot controller based on ATmega32 AVR microcontroller. DR-R-Base can control two unipolar stepper motors + 4 DC Motors at the same time. It can also used to control two unipolar stepper motors + 2 bipolar stepper motors at the same time. The board has the following circuits mounted: - Stepper Motor Driver (Unipolar and Bipolar)
- DC Motor Driver
- Female connector socket for 2x16 character LCDs (LCD not included). Use any of the 2x16, parallel interface LCDs listed in our LCDs category together with a male pin header (see add-on options below) to connect the LCD to this board.
- One Buzzer
- Four LEDs
- Four Switches
- Inputs for 8 different Analog sensors like line sensor, wall sensor, obstacle sensor, temperature sensor, etc
This ATmega32 board works with a 9 to 12VDC input voltage. (Note that the power input pin labels are reversed.) It has an on-board regulator for 5V. Power to the board is supplied via single-row, 0.1" spaced male header pins. Power supply is not included. This board comes fully assembled and tested with all ICs and components. Programming This board has a single row, male ISP header for in-circuit programming of the Atmega32 microcontroller. Most AVR ISP programmers have a 2x10 or 2x6 pin ISP connector. To use such a programmer with this board, you will need an adapter like the EasyTEST board together with some prototyping wires to interface between your programmer and this board. We also offer a low-cost serial port AVR ISP programmer that has the matching 6-pin single row ISP connector (see add-on options below). ATmega32 Motor Control Board Downloads:
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