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This category contains electronic parts, components and accessories that may be used with the products sold elsewhere at the MicroControllerShop. For example: Power Supplies, Chips, Cables, keypads, sockets, pin converters, etc.

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New Products For February
Resistors, 10K Ohm, 1/4W PTH (Pack of 20)Resistors, 10K Ohm, 1/4W PTH (Pack of 20)US$0.95

Solar Panel, 2W, 6V/378mA, 3.5x1.1mm Barrel, 5.5x2.1mm AdapterSolar Panel, 2W, 6V/378mA, 3.5x1.1mm Barrel, 5.5x2.1mm AdapterUS$19.00

2-pin Female Connector Harnesses, Pack of 10, with 10 Wires2-pin Female Connector Harnesses, Pack of 10, with 10 WiresUS$10.00

2-pin Female Connector Harnesses, Pack of 4, with 4 Wires2-pin Female Connector Harnesses, Pack of 4, with 4 WiresUS$5.00

Level Shifter Board, 1.8V/3.3V/5V, 2 Circuits, I2C or SMBusLevel Shifter Board, 1.8V/3.3V/5V, 2 Circuits, I2C or SMBusUS$10.00

RLC Voltage Divider Board, Resistors and Capacitor IncludedRLC Voltage Divider Board, Resistors and Capacitor IncludedUS$10.00

Power Supply, 12V DC, 1A, 3.5x1.35mm, center pos., 100-240V ACPower Supply, 12V DC, 1A, 3.5x1.35mm, center pos., 100-240V ACUS$4.00

72-pin (2x36) Dual Row Pin Headers, 0.1" Spacing72-pin (2x36) Dual Row Pin Headers, 0.1" SpacingUS$1.20

PIC16F1937-I/P Microcontroller, 40 DIP, 32 MHzPIC16F1937-I/P Microcontroller, 40 DIP, 32 MHzUS$1.25

Three Color RGB LED, 5mm, Diffused, Common CathodeThree Color RGB LED, 5mm, Diffused, Common CathodeUS$1.05

Clear Plastic Knob for 6mm Shaft, 15mm DiameterClear Plastic Knob for 6mm Shaft, 15mm DiameterUS$0.35

20-pin (2x10) Dual Row Pin Headers, 0.1" Spacing20-pin (2x10) Dual Row Pin Headers, 0.1" SpacingUS$0.60

XBee Explorer Regulated, 3.3V MOSFET, Connects XBee to 5V SystemXBee Explorer Regulated, 3.3V MOSFET, Connects XBee to 5V SystemUS$6.95

5-pin Swiss Header, Compact, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm Pitch5-pin Swiss Header, Compact, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm PitchUS$0.50

5-pin Press-Fit Header Strip, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm Pitch5-pin Press-Fit Header Strip, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm PitchUS$1.25

Power Supply 5V, 2A with USB connection, 100-240V AC InputPower Supply 5V, 2A with USB connection, 100-240V AC InputUS$5.00

6-pin Swiss Socket, Compact, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm Pitch6-pin Swiss Socket, Compact, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm PitchUS$0.66

6-pin Swiss Header, Compact, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm Pitch6-pin Swiss Header, Compact, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm PitchUS$0.60

6-pin Press-Fit Header Strip, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm Pitch6-pin Press-Fit Header Strip, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm PitchUS$1.75

8-pin Swiss Socket, Compact, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm Pitch8-pin Swiss Socket, Compact, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm PitchUS$0.88

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Arduino Pro 328 Board - 3.3V/8MHz
Arduino Pro 328 Board - 3.3V/8MHz
01. 2x10 Pin male header, 2.54mm, 7.5mm plastic spacer
02. 5-pin Press-Fit Header Strip, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm Pitch
03. 8-pin Press-Fit Header Strip, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm Pitch
04. Power Supply 3-12V DC, U.S. plug, 6 connection tips
05. Power Supply 3-12V DC, US/UK/Euro/AU Plugs, 100-240VAC
06. Miniature Relay 12V/15A, normally open and closed positions
07. 6-pin Press-Fit Header Strip, Breakaway Pins, 2.54mm Pitch
08. MCP2551-I/P CAN Transceiver, 8 DIP
09. 2x5 Female IDC Connector (2 pack)
10. Rectangular Pin Header, Male, 1x40 Single Row, 2.54mm Spacing
Reviews more
Good board to evaluate the NXP LPC2129 although the micro on ..
4 of 5 Stars!
  Friday 07 February, 2025   List of all our Products

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